Client Tab and Important fields of List Clients



Under the ‘Client’ tab, authorized users are able to add/edit client information, create/edit Treatment Teams, and create/edit custom properties. 

The client submenu has 3 subheads namely-

A) List Clients

B) Treatment Team

C) Customer Properties

A) List clients

The arrow indications are discussed in the mentioned points below.

Important fields


1. Client view

By default, the page shows all active clients. The order of the List clients is as per the last authorization added so a user will see the last added authorization at the top of the list. Green arrows in the above screenshot indicate checkboxes for inactive and non-billable clients. The inactive client checkbox at the top-right of the page will show only inactive clients and the Non-billable client checkbox will show only Non-billable clients.

Inactive clients - Clients that are not active currently in the system (ex-clients).

Non-billable client - This option shows the list of non-billable clients who are allowed to create non-billable appts for the clients.

You can create an inactive client or non-billable client by adding a new client or by viewing the Client biography of a client.

Clicking on the checkbox for Internal Client will create a non-billable client. Similarly, unchecking the Active checkbox will be considered an inactive client.

2. Filters

As indicated by the red arrow above, filters help to find the name of a client which starts with or contains certain alphabets. A user can use filters to find clients belonging to a particular funding source or zones.

Upon double-clicking on the header of the columns, it will arrange the data according to it.


3. Color

The blue color arrow is indicating a particular color assigned to a client. Different colors are assigned to all the clients. This comes in handy with appointments. It makes it visually easy to see appointments created for a particular client. To change the assigned color, click on the color.