Client Guarantor

The client Guarantor holds the information of the guarantor of the client. A Guarantor is someone who is responsible for the client and acts as a guarantee. A guarantor acts as a co-signer because they pledge their own assets or services in case the original debtor cannot perform their obligations.

If the guarantor’s address is the same as that of the client, then select Location Same as client. This will automatically populate the guarantor’s location information using the client’s previously entered information.

Related Files

A user can add files related to the client which are relevant for the record. The related files may include but are not limited to Insurance Cards, Treatment Plans, Client Intake forms, Insurance Denial Letters, IEP documents, Diagnostic Reports, etc.

Below are the Related Files fields with descriptions:

1. File Category - You can create your own file category from the Site Settings (Select from the drop-down)

2. Name - Defines the file name (Enter the file name)

3. Description - Define the features or what is the document or file is about (Enter a short description of the file)

4. Expiry Date - Defines the validity of the attached file or document (Enter the Expiry date of the document in the date format MM/DD/YYYY)

5. Upload Document - Option to upload the document from the user’s system (Click here to browse, choose and select the file)

Custom Properties

Custom Properties is the last step to add a new client. It allows you to create additional desired fields.

To add a Custom Property, the user needs to go to the Custom Property Tab under Clients. It is explained in detail in a separate article.