
My Lineups is a feature available across the Web and Mobile-App. This feature allows providers/supervisors to organize client programs into smaller groups or lists. Having designated lineups reduces navigation between screens and makes it easier to focus on priority or designated programs when running sessions. Programs added to a lineup are still accessible via the View All list from the Mobile-App, but can also be accessed within their specific lineup. Note: Data collection is exclusive to the Mobile-App. 


Creating and editing lineups is permission based, meaning ability to do so will depend on your granted access. Lineups can be created or edited on the Web or Mobile-App, and any changes made from the Web-App will be reflected on the Mobile-App and vice versa. 

Examples of Common Lineups:

  1. "Social Skills Programming" - A lineup for the client's current social skills programs.
  2. "Community Outing Programs" -  A lineup specific to programs that are run in a community setting.
  3. "Priority Programs" - A list of programs that need to be completed each session. 


Setting Up My Lineup 


My Lineups can be created and edited from both the Web and Mobile-App. The ability to do so from either platform is permission based, meaning only authorized individuals within your organization will be able to create, edit, and delete lineups. To allow creation and editing of My Lineups from the Mobile-App, turn on the Create and Edit My Lineup permission under the Admin tab on the web.

The My Lineups feature on the Web is controlled by its own permission, as pictured below. 



Creating Lineups on the Mobile-App 

To start configuring lineups on the Mobile-App, log in, select a client of interest, and navigate to the program menu. My Lineups will have its own tab under Programs.


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Once selected, you will have the option to create a new Lineup, as long as the permission has been granted. 


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From there you will be prompted to enter the name of the Lineup, which is customizable, and add programs. In Progress and Maintenance status programs will be available to add, but will be displayed in separate lists. Programs of other statuses are not applicable for My Lineups. Left and right toggle arrows are available for navigating between program statuses in order to make applicable program selections. 

Next, choose the programs to be included in the Lineup by selecting the dark blue boxes beside the program name. Once selected, a checkmark will appear indicating the selection. Should you want to remove the program from the Lineup, select the dark blue square again to deselect. Once satisfied with the choices, select the green Create button at the bottom to save.  


This newly created Lineup will now be available to view from within the My Lineups screen. 

To establish a specific order, select the lineup of interest. By default, all newly created lineups will have programs organized alphabetically. However, you have the option to set a custom order. To do so, select the "Custom Order" radio button, followed by "Edit". From here, select a program and use the Move up and Move down buttons to arrange the programs in a desired order.


Creating Lineups on the Web-App

To configure lineups on the Web-App, navigate to the client’s clinical profile from Clinical Settings > Client Clinical Profiles.

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My Lineups will have a designated spot in the Client Clinical Profile below Quick Access Programs. 

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Any existing lineups will be listed below the My Lineups header. 


To create a new lineup, select the “+ Add” button which will open a separate configuration window. Customization of lineups is divided into two tabs: (i) Configure My Lineup (i.e., name and program selection), and (ii) establishing program order. 

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In the first tab, the client’s In Progress and Maintenance programs will be available, but listed separately. To include a program in the lineup, simply select the checkbox beside the program name. Note that the same program can be added to more than one Lineup, so all In Progress and Maintenance programs will always show. 

Since only In Progress and Maintenance programs are available for selection, any programs moved to another status will automatically be removed from the created Lineup; this will have no impact on the client’s programming list.


Once the Lineup has been named and programs have been chosen, select the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the window; this will automatically bring you to the second tab. 

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By default, all programs in the newly created lineup up will be alphabetically ordered. However, you have the option to establish a custom order. To do so, select the “Custom Order” radio button and use the drag and drop icons to move programs in the preferred order. Once all changes have been made, select the “Save” button in tab 2.

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If any changes need to be made, select the pencil icon in either tab, then proceed with making modifications. To return to the clinical profile, select the “X” located in the top right-hand corner of the window. The newly created lineup will now be listed on the client’s profile. 

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Viewing and Editing/Deleting Lineups 

Viewing, Editing and Deleting from the Mobile-App  

When a specific lineup is selected from the My Lineups tab on the Mobile-App Edit and Delete buttons are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Selecting edit will present all In Progress and Maintenance status programs in the client's clinical profile where you can then edit existing selections or make new additions to the Lineup. Select the dark blue squares to add a program and select the white checkmark to remove it. Once satisfied with your choices select Done.  

Viewing, Editing and Deleting Lineups from the Web-App

To view any lineup from the Web-App, select the pencil icon for the lineup of interest. From this window, you can view the lineup’s programs and configured order. 

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From the Customize Lineup window, select the pencil icon from the first or second tab to make edits (e.g., select/unselect programs, change name or lineup or modify the order) or delete the lineup. If editing, once changes have been made, select the floppy disk icon button followed by the “X” in the top right-hand corner of the window to return to the clinical profile.  

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If deleting the lineup, select the trash icon and "OK" from the confirmation pop-up. To keep the lineup, select "Cancel" from the pop-up.

Recording Data (Mobile-App Only)

Program and behavior data can only be collected on the Mobile-App. This also applies to collecting data for programs in lineups. From the program menu, select My Lineups to view a list of created lineups. These will be visible regardless of permissions.   

When in an active appointment, program data can be recorded via My Lineups. Note, data collection can also be performed via the Record All or View All tabs. Once the lineup of interest has been selected, all associated programs will be listed. To proceed with recording data, select the Record Data button or the name of the program followed by Record Data.

Record Data When on the recording screen, you can use the left and/or right toggle arrows to scroll between other programs' data collection screens within the selected lineup. To return to that lineup's program list, either select the pack arrow in the top left hand corner of the screen or select the My Lineup icon in the navigation ribbon below the program name. Other available icons in the navigation ribbon include: (i) Quick Access Programs, (ii) View All Programs, (iii) Program Information, and (iv) Record Behaviors, and work in the same manner as if you accessed the recording screen from View All or Record All outside of My Lineups.


  • The My Lineups feature is now available on both the Web and the Mobile-App, however, data collection s exclusive to the Mobile-App.
  • You can create and configure as many lineups as you would like. 
  • You can add the same program to multiple lineups.   
  • All programs, regardless of Lineup configurations will still be available under the View All tab.