
This option allows users to set the availability of an ‘Employee’ and ‘Client,’ as seen below in the two subfields: ‘Employee Availability’ and 'Client Availability'.

Under ‘Employee Availability,’ users can set availability in the fields seen below:

Select the zone name, employee name, availability title [user can add a new availability title by clicking on the plus(+) icon], choose the days by checking the weeks. Then add the availability date and time. Finally, select the availability type from the drop-down and click on 'Save', the user will now be able to view the employee availability added to the system.

This action will reflect on the Calendar View page where a pink background will be added which will showcase the availability of the provider.

As well as it will show under the Employee's profile in the Employee Availability wi

Delete Availability

In order to delete the availability, select the availabilities by clicking on the edit checkboxes located at the leftmost end as indicated below. Then click on the 'Action' button, select the option 'Delete Availability' and click 'Ok'.

A dialogue box will appear for confirmation. Choose the appropriate option to delete the availability.

Similar actions will be required while creating the Client's availability.