
This option allows users to view Auth utilization for the clients.

Upon filling out the required fields of From and To Date, Client name, Chart and Frequency Type, click on ‘Filter.’ All the Auth Utilizations within the given timeframe will be displayed. The auth combinations will appear separately below the auths without combinations.

Utilization graph

By taking the cursor on the Utilization graph, you can view total hours, used hours, remaining hours and cancelled hours. If you only want to view one of them for example total hours then click on the remaining categories at the bottom. It will deselect the other categories and the graph will show only the total hours.

Other categories are Auth Start Date, Auth End Date, Auth Detail Start Date, Auth Detail End Date, Total Hours, Total Used Hours, Total Cancelled Hours, Total Remaining Hours, Remaining (%) and Utilized (%).

The total columns are presenting the total of the desired filtered data.

This concludes the 'Appointments' section.