My Leaves

This feature allows users to 'View', ‘Add’, or ‘Edit’ the leave requests. Click on ‘My Leaves’ from the blue ribbon to view all current and past leave requests.

Add a new leave 

To make a leave request, click on the ‘Add Leave’ on the top-right corner of the screen. A dialog box will appear. Select 'Partial Day' to make a 'Partial Leave' request or ‘Full Day’ request. Then select ‘Leave Date,’ ‘From Time,’ ‘To Time,’ and ‘Leave Type.’ Users may also add any relevant notes in the Notes section. Finally, click ‘Save,’ which will add the new leave to the system. 

To edit or delete a leave request, click on the ‘Edit’ icon, as indicated by the arrow below, which will open a dialogue box. 

Once the dialogue box opens, users may make modifications to their leave request by modifying the ‘Leave Date,’ ‘From Time,’ ‘To Time,’ and ‘Leave Type’ as necessary. Users may also add notes (if any). Once all necessary modifications have been made, click ‘Save’, which automatically updates the leave already requested.

In order to remove a leave request, simply click on the ‘Delete’ icon, which is represented by the trash can icon.

Approved and Denied Leaves 

Approved leaves are those which are approved by the Supervisor of an employee.

(New Feature)

Once a leave is approved, it cannot be edited but can be deleted if the user has access to the below permission mentioned below from the Admin tab.

If a leave request is denied by the supervisor, it cannot be edited or deleted.