My Availability

This option allows the Provider/Administrator to fill in their availability days, dates, and timing.

Below are the directions to fill in the availability:

Availability Title - Define the Availability Title (Select from the drop-down)

Availability Types - You could choose an Availability Type stating its type. For example - Availability expansion, initial availability, modifying my availability (Select from the drop-down)

Availability Reason - State the availability reason (Text box)

Week Days - Working days of the employee (Checkmark)

From Date - Mention the start date of the availability (Enter *date* in the date format MM/DD/YYYY)

From Time and To Time - Work timings of the employee (Enter *date* in the date format MM/DD/YYYY)

Once all the mandatory information is filled in, click on 'Submit Request' and the availability will be added to the system. 

Users will also be able to delete the availability by clicking on Edit and then selecting the option 'Delete Availability' from Action which is located at the bottom of the page. This is indicated by the arrows in the image above. Please press “OK” to delete the availability.

The availability added here will be available on both Calendar View and Timeline View Tabs with a pink color background.