Manage Rate Table

‘Manage Rate Table,’ as the name suggests, manages the rate of the type for service of a particular funding source.

To add a rate for a service type of funding source, select a funding source from the dropdown menu and click ‘Add Rate.’ It will open a Dialog Box as seen below:

You can upload files for any of the rates you are adding to the system for a service type in by clicking on the 'Upload File' icon.

To fill in the information, select the Treatment Type, CPT Service Code, Service Type, and Sub-service Type from the dropdown menu. Next, enter the Billed Rate, select the service interval from the Rate Per dropdown menu, enter the Units in Minutes, and Contracted Rate. Lastly, select the respective modifier defined or already allocated from the Mod dropdown menus, select the standard degree, validation of rates from and to dates, mention credential type, clearance type, and qualification type if applicable, and click 'Save'.

And there you have it! The rate is saved for that particular service type for a particular funding source.


1. Each of these fields is sensitive. Even if the modifier is changed, it will create a new rate for the funding source.

2. Type fast to filter the CPT Service Code.

Once you add the rate for the particular funding source, Click 'Go' which will showcase all the rates of the funding source.

After adding the service type, a user can also edit/delete the rate by clicking on the edit and delete Icons as shown by the arrow below.

Note: A payor will have multiple ‘Service Types’ and ‘Sub-service Types.’ Users can choose rates separately for each service accordingly.