
On the MeasurePM Mobile-App, users are able to rearrange the order in which programs and behaviors are presented. This feature is only available on the Mobile-App and cannot be accessed on the web. Ability to rearrange is available to all users regardless of the permissions, and rearranging order across programs and behaviors can be done within and outside of an appointment. This guide will walk through the steps involved in rearranging the order of both programs and behaviors.

Rearranging Order

To rearrange the order of a client’s goals/programs or behaviors, first log onto the Mobile-App. From the employee dashboard, select Client Profiles. Select the name of the client for whom you would like to rearrange the goals/programs or behaviors for. You can search for a client’s name using the search bar or scroll to find the client’s name. Once you select their name, you will be brought to the client dashboard. From here you can navigate to programs or behaviors tab to proceed with editing the order.

Alternatively, you can start or resume an appointment to access the client dashboard. The images in this document depict the program and behaviors menus outside of an appointment.


When you opt to View All programs or Record Data you will have the option to view the list in alphabetical order or in your custom order. To set your custom order you will navigate to Manage Order or select Edit beside the custom order option from that screen. Below describes how to set the custom order for programs via Manage Order. 

Start by selecting the book icon from the bottom navigation bar to access Programs. This will bring you to the program menu, as seen below. From there, select Manage Order. Once on the Manage Order screen you can rearrange the order by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Use the left and right toggle arrows to move to the desired program status
  2. Select the program name you would like to move up or down in the list
  3. Once selected, the background color will turn from blue to green
  4. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons on the bottom of the screen to move the program up or down in the list
  5. To view or rearrange programs of a different status, use the blue toggle arrows at the top of the list
  6. When satisfied with selections use the back arrow in the top left corner to return to the program menu

The order you set here will be how the programs are viewed under View All or Record Data when in an appointment.


When you opt to View All behaviors you will have the option to view the list in alphabetical order or in your custom order. When in an appointment, and you opt to Record Data the behaviors will appear in your custom order. To set your custom order you will navigate to Manage Order or select Edit beside the custom order option from your View All screen. Below describes how to set the custom order for behaviors via Manage Order. 

Start by selecting the tally icon from the bottom navigation bar to access Behaviors. This will bring you to the behaviors menu, as seen below. From there, select Manage Order. Once on the Manage Order screen you can rearrange the order by following the steps outlined below :

  1. Use the left and right toggle arrows to move to the desired behavior status
  2. Select the behavior name you would like to move up or down in the list
  3. Once selected, the background color will turn from blue to green
  4. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons on the bottom of the screen to move the behavior up or down in the list
  5. When satisfied with selections use the back arrow in the top left corner to return to the behaviors menu



  • The order you set under Manage Order refers to how the programs or behaviors will be viewed in your custom order.
  • You are able to Manage Order of programs and behaviors both within and outside of an appointment in the same manner.