MeasurePM provides an intuitive ABC Data collection tool. On the web platform, users can set default site settings, configure ABC Data collection for individual clients, review ABC records, and generate charts and graphs based on conditional probabilities. Through the mobile app, clinicians can record ABC Data, access past records, and perform conditional probability analyses.
This guide is designed to give MeasurePM users a comprehensive overview of the ABC data collection features.
Configuring ABC Data Collection on the Web
ABC data configurations can be set at both the site and client levels, with access restricted to users who have the necessary permissions. Site-level defaults can be configured in Settings, located under the Clinical Settings dropdown in the left-hand navigation bar.
All settings configured here will automatically apply to new clinical profiles created in the future; however, providers can still customize these settings for individual clients as needed, regardless of the site-level defaults.
Default ABC Data Settings
In the Settings tab, you can add and activate or deactivate ABC Data items, including Antecedents, Consequences, Setting Events, Locations, and People. All properties entered here will automatically appear in each new clinical profile by default, which essentially means you are setting up a default ABC sheet for your facilty. Please note that new properties added in Settings will not affect existing client profiles and will only apply to new profiles created in the future.
To add a property:
- Click the + icon next to the field.
- Enter the property name in the text box, then click Save.
- The property will appear in the list once saved.
If you choose not to save the property, select the - icon to the left.
After saving, properties cannot be deleted, but they can be deactivated. By default, all properties will be active, but you can deactivate them by unchecking the active box.
- Active: The property will be included in all new clinical profiles.
- Inactive: The property will remain in existing profiles but will not be added to new ones.
Please note that setting these defaults is optional. Regardless of what is set up here properties can still be configured at the client level and on the Mobile-App during appointments as needed.
Configuring ABC Data Collection Settings by Client
Although you may have site defaults, users will have the option to override these defaults and make customizations on a client-by-client basis under the client profile. Accessing the Client Profile can be done in 2 ways.
Accessing the Client Profile (Option 1- Clinical Settings à Client Profiles)
Users can access the client profile through Clinical Settings by:
- Select Client Profiles from the Clinical Settings drop down menu.
- From there, scroll to the client’s name you are searching for or search for the client.
- You can filter or search for client by name, funding source, number of programs/behaviors, and/or status by using the funnel icon beside the column name.
- Once you have found the client you were searching for select the pencil icon to edit.
- Note that if your client has multiple funding sources, multiple profiles will populate, as seen below.
Accessing the Client Profile (Option 2- Clients à List Clients)
Users can also access the client profile through List Clients by:
- Select List Clients from the Clients drop down menu.
- From there, scroll to the client’s name you are searching for or search for the client.
- You can filter or search for client by last name, first name, funding source, supervisor, language, status, and/or zone by using the funnel icon beside the column name.
- Once you have found the client you were searching for, select the client’s name. This will bring you to the client dashboard on the web.
- Once on the Client Dashboard scroll down until you see the Client Clinical Profile widget, and select the pencil icon to edit, as seen below.
Configuring ABC Data Options
Once on the profile, users can configure ABC data Behaviors, People, Locations, Setting Events, Antecedents, and Consequences. The properties configured under site settings will be present but editing will be available at the client level, if the appropriate permission is granted.
To edit one of the ABA Data properties, scroll down to the ABC Data section on the client profile, and select the pencil icon:
Once editing is complete, select the floppy disc icon to save or the x to discard your changes:
To edit the Behaviors, select the pencil icon to the right of the Behaviors tab. The current In Progress and Maintenance Behaviors will already populate for ABC Data collection but you do have the option to add more. To add a Behavior select + Add and then enter the name of the Behavior, to delete a Behavior select the trash can icon, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the behavior. To save changes select Save and select Cancel to discard.
The Behaviors that are presented on the Mobile-App for ABC data collection is a combination of the behaviors configured for the profile and the behaviors configured in the ABC Data Behaviors section.
To edit People, select the pencil icon to the right of the People tab. To add a new Person, select + Add and then enter the name of the Person. You also have the option to allow staff to rename the Person to account for novel Persons the learner may encounter, and you have the option to identify the Person as a staff member or not. You can delete a Person by selecting the trashcan icon on the same line as their name, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the property . To save changes select Save or select Cancel to discard.
To edit the Locations, select the pencil icon to the right of the Locations tab. To add a Location, select + Add and then enter the name of the Location. You also have the option to allow staff to rename the Location on the Mobile-App to account for novel Locations the learner may encounter. You can delete a location by selecting the trashcan icon, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the property. To save changes select Save and select Cancel to discard.
Setting Events
To edit the Setting Events, select the pencil icon to the right of the Setting Events tab. To add a Setting Event, select + Add and then enter the name of the new Setting Event. You can delete a Setting Event by selecting the trashcan icon, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the property. To save changes select Save and select Cancel to discard.
To edit the Antecedents, select the pencil icon to the right of the Antecedents tab. The Antecedents will populate below. To add an Antecedent, select + Add and then enter the name of the Antecedent. You can delete an Antecedent by selecting the trashcan icon, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the property. To save changes select Save and select Cancel to discard.
To edit the Consequences, select the pencil icon to the right of the Consequences tab. The Consequences will populate below. To add a Consequence, select + Add and then enter the name of the new Consequence. You can delete a Consequence by selecting the trashcan icon, however deleting will not be available after a data has been collected on the property. To save changes select Save and select Cancel to discard.
ABC Data Recording on MPM Mobile-App
Once you have finished setting up your ABC Data collection settings, you are ready to start recording ABC data. To do so, log onto the MeasurePM Mobile-App and start an appointment. Please note that you will be able to view and edit ABC data and view conditional probabilities within an appointment and outside of an appointment. However, recording ABC Data is only available within an appointment.
Once in an appointment, select ABC Data from the behavior menu to open the ABC Data options. From here users can navigate to Recording ABC Data, Reviewing and Editing Data, or Viewing Conditional Probabilities.
Record ABC Data
Select Record ABC Data to begin recording. Once selected, the ABC data collection page will open. The page will include all programmed behaviors, the incident # (this refers to the number of ABC data records), as well as a variety of Setting Events (people, locations, events), Antecedents, and Consequences.
Other features include:
- Edit Notes- Use this option to enter any narrative notes describing the behavior per your organization’s directives.
- Behaviors- All In Progress and Maintenance behaviors will be listed at the top of the table. To access additional behaviors, use the arrow icons.
- Pencil icons- Any item that has a pencil icon may be temporarily edited/ renamed. Any edits are saved to the recorded incident and then reset to the client’s default options.
- Plus icon- Use this icon to temporarily add additional items (i.e., behaviors, locations, people, etc.) to the designated section.
To record ABC data:
- Edit date/time stamp by selecting the pencil icon beside the date/time at the top. This will open a window where users can use the dropdown menu to select a date and use the scroll timer to select a time for which the ABC record will be entered.
- Enter data by selecting the appropriate boxes to “check” them. Scroll through the entire form to record other details including the location, setting events, antecedents, and consequences.
- Once all form selections have been made, you may add narrative notes by clicking on Edit Notes. Once you tap on that option, you will see the incident notes field. Simply tap in the field and begin typing your notes. Once completed, select on Commit and your entry will be saved. If you select Discard, your data will be discarded.
- After your commit your ABC data, you can either make another entry or hit the back arrow to leave the ABC data recording page.
To record ABC data in Offline Mode:
Note that you are able to collect and commit ABC data in offline mode as well. Recording ABC data in offline mode will be identical to that of online mode. Note that for the committed offline ABC Data to be saved, you need to upload the data once back in online mode.
Viewing ABC Data
After ABC Data records are committed they an be viewed across Web and Mobile-App. In addional, when a record is committed supervisors to be alerted.
Notification to supervisors when a record is committedd is optional. If you would like to enable notifications follow the below steps:
1. Ensure supervisors are indicated within the profile
2. Ensure the "Notify Supervisor when Incident Record is Committed" checkbox is selected
Now when an incident record is committed, the supervisor will be alerted within their notifications. Notifications are access by selecting the bell icon on the employee dashboard on the Mobile-App or by selecting the bell icon in the tool bar at the top of your web page.
Viewing Committed Records
Once an ABC record is committed, it can be viewed on the Web or Mobile-App.
On the Web data can be viewed in:
- ABC Data Report
- Graphing Module
On the Mobile-App data can be viewed in:
- ABC Data Review and Edit
- Conditional Probabilities
ABC Data Report (on Web)
On the Web, to be eligible to view the ABC Data report, ensure the below permission is granted.
If permission is granted, you can access the report by:
1. Navigate to Reports from the left hand navigation bar. From here a new tab will open in your browser.
2. Select Data Reports --> Clinical --> ABC Data Reports.
3. Make Report selections at the top of the page and select Go.
4. The report will populate below and you will be able to view all past ABC data records. To filer by specific ABC Data record properties (e.g., specific setting events, people, locations, etc.) use the funnel icon beside any of the column names.
5. Users can view the ABC Data on MPM or opt to export the data to a Microsoft Excel file where the data can be viewed and manipulated.
Conditional Probabilities (Chart and Graphs on Web)
To view and/or run a conditional analysis via the web, first navigate to the graphing module, which can be accessed in three ways: (i) List Clients, (ii) Client Clinical Profiles, (iii) directly from a client's clinical profile. Only individuals who have been granted the following permission will be able to view client graphs.
Users can access the client profile through Clinical Settings by:
- Select Client Profiles from the Clinical Settings drop down menu.
- From there, scroll to the client’s name you are searching for or use the available search filter to locate the client e.g., search for client by name, funding source, number of programs/behaviors, and/or status by using the funnel icon beside the column name).
- Once you have found the client you were searching, scroll down to the Client Clinical Profiles widget in the dashboard.
- Select the graphing icon associated with the clinical profile of interest to access the module.
Users can access the client profile through Clinical Settings by:
- Select Client Profiles from the Clinical Settings drop down menu.
- From there, scroll to the client’s name you are searching for or use the available search filter to locate the client e.g., search for client by name, funding source, number of programs/behaviors, and/or status by using the funnel icon beside the column name).
- Once you have found the client you were searching for select the graphing icon to access the module.
Users can access the client profile through the linked graphing icon in the client's clinical profile:
- Once in a client's clinical profile, select the graphing icon to access the module.
Once in the graphing module, select the ABC Data tab located directly below the client's name.
From here, you are able to view and/or run a conditional analysis. You can select the date range to be included in the analysis (1-month will be selected by default), choose the way you would like to view the data between a chart (i.e., table format) or graph, make primary and secondary filter selections (what type of data you would like to review), make selections regarding behaviors to be included, and then select Draw Chart/Draw Graph to run the analysis. Note, the data generated here will be identical to the data presented on the app if the same filter selections are made.
Once the chart or graph is drawn there are several action items you can take.
ABC Charts:
- Show calculations- If selected, the calculations for the populated chart specific to the primary filter selected will be displayed.
- Copy as image- When you are satisfied with your chart, you have the option to copy the chart as an image. To do so, select the copy icon located in the graph toolbar.
- Download as image- When you are satisfied with your chart, you have the option to download the chart as an image. To do so, select the download as image icon located in the graph toolbar.
- Export as excel- When you are satisfied with your chart, you have the option to export as an excel file. To do so, select the excel icon located in the graph toolbar.
ABC Graphs:
- Show calculations- If selected, the calculations for the populated graph specific to the primary filter selected will be displayed.
- Copy as image- When you are satisfied with your graph, you have the option to copy the graph as an image. To do so, select the copy icon located in the graph toolbar.
- Download as image- When you are satisfied with your graph, you have the option to download the graph as an image. To do so, select the download as image icon located in the graph toolbar.
- Advanced configurations: To make any changes to the graph items listed below, select the downward facing arrow beside Advanced Options located below each generated graph.
- Data series
- Graph configurations
- Axis configurations
- Legend configurations
For additional details on configuring ABC graph, please refer to the following guide: Updated Graphing Module (Web-App).
ABC Data Review and Edit (on Mobile-App)
From the ABC Data menu select ABC Data Review and Edit to view ABC data records.
Use the arrows and/or drag the blue circle icon along the date bar to view each record. Each day which has data recorded will have a green triangle above it. You may choose to view or hide additional information by tapping on the appropriate check boxes. This can make reviewing the data cleaner.
To edit ABC data, select the lock icon on the top right-hand corner, make the appropriate edits, and select save. Note that this option will only be available for authorized individuals.
Conditional Probabilities (on Mobile-App)
From the ABC Data menu select Conditional Probabilities to view and/or run a conditional analysis. You can select the date range to be included analysis, make primary and secondary filter selections (what type of data would you like to view), make selections regarding the staff and behaviors you would like to be included, and then select View Data to run the analysis.
You can select the back arrow at any time to return to the behavior menu.
For any addional inquiries on ABC Data please reach out to support@measurepm.com!