
This guide was created to provide MeasurePM users with an overview of MeasurePM’s embedded Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO) board. The DRO board can be accessed from the Mobile-App and is available within and outside of appointments. When within an appointment, you are able to utilize the board and configure the board settings, however outside of an appointment you are only able to view the board and configure the board settings. When setting up the board, you can opt for automatic DRO data collection. If you would like the data collection feature to be turned on there a couple of steps to take.

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Set Up

Clinical Settings- Web

If you would like to have the board automatically collect DRO data for you, you will need to do 2 things:

1. Select a program for the data to be stored under

This is done under clinical settings. Note that access to clinical settings is permission based, meaning not everyone in your facility will have access to it. If access is granted, you can select the program you would like your DRO data to go into under.
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2. Map the selected program to a clinical profile

Once you have selected the program in the clinical settings you can start mapping it to clinical profiles. Only map the program to the profiles for which you would like the automatic data collection turned on.
Note that mapping programs to profiles is also permission based, meaning not everyone in your facility will have access to do so. If permission is granted you can map programs to clinical profiles on the web by navigating to the clinical profile, selecting +Program Library and selecting the program you would like to add. Once it is added, it will appear as it does below.

NOTE: The designated DRO program must be in one of the following statuses to be enabled: In Progress, Maintenance, Family Guidance, or Generalization.

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If mapping from the Mobile-App, you will go to the Program menu, select Program Library, and select the program you would like to add. Once it is mapped, you will be able to view it under the program list as you can see below.

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DRO Settings- Mobile-App

You are able to configure the settings of the gameboard from the Mobile-App only. Note that the settings are stored per client profile. To do this, open the DRO board on the Mobile-App by selecting the treasure chest icon from the bottom navigation bar. Once opened, select the gear icon in the top left hand corner. From here the settings will open.

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In the settings you have the options to:

  1. Configure the character: Use the left/right toggle arrows to either side of the character to filter through various animated characters.
  2. Set the DRO interval: Use the – Min/- Sec and + Min/+ Sec buttons to the left and righthand side of the DRO time to set the interval timer.
  3. Configure the steps: Set the number of spaces on the board using the left/right toggle arrows to either side of the number of steps to increase/decrease the number of game spaces on the board. After a successful interval has elapsed, the character will be eligible to move to the next space on the board. If the character does not move up, the next interval will not start unless Bank Moves is selected. This checkbox option allows for the next interval timer to start prior to the character moving up on the board. The spaces they are allowed to move will be banked and they can move up to the banked space upon returning to the board.
  4. Configure notifications: When a successful interval has elapsed, the Mobile-App will notify the user. The method of notification is dependent upon the configurations. If the flash checkbox is selected, the DRO icon (the treasure chest icon) on the bottom navigation bar will light up green. If the vibrate check box is selected, the device you are using will vibrate. Note that this will only work if the device you are using has vibrations capabilities. If an alarm sound is selected, an alarm sound will go off when the interval timer has elapsed. You are able to select from several different alarm sounds, and preview each sound using the preview button to the right.
  5. Configure gameboard sounds: You can opt for there to be a sound associated with the character reaching the next step on the board. You can filter through several different arrival sounds and preview each using the preview button the right. You can also opt to have footsteps sounds associated with the character walking to the next space on the board.
  6. Board theme: There are multiple different board themes to choose from. Use the left/right toggle arrows to either side of the board name to filter through the different board themes.
  7. Save: Once changes have been made, ensure you select the Save button at the bottom of the settings pop up. If Cancel is selected, the changes will be discarded.

Using the Board

Once the board is set up, it is ready for use when in active appointments. As aforementioned, you can use the board whether automatic data collection is set up or not. If the data collection is not set up it will simply state “Data Collection: Off” at the top of the screen. If data collection is set up, and you would like to utilize it within an appointment, please open the DRO Program data collection page prior to starting the DRO timer to activate the data collection for the appointment. You will not have to return to the program recording screen while using the board.

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To start the board, select the play button in the top right-hand corner. Once selected, the interval timer will begin to count down and the play button will be replaced with a pause button. Select the pause button to pause the timer at any point. You can also use the refresh icon below to reset the timer to 0 at any time. 

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Once a successful interval has elapsed, you will be notified in the manner you set up in the DRO settings and the space ahead of the character on the board will turn green, indicting they are eligible to move up. Tap the green space to move the character up on the board. The timer will automatically restart and the next interval will be underway. Until a successful interval has elapsed, the space ahead of the character will remain red, indicating they are ineligible to move forward. Selecting the red space will have no effect on the board.

An unsuccessful interval will be scored if behavior data for a behavior that is set to interact with the DRO board is recorded. You will be able to identify which behaviors are set to interact with the board by looking at the recording screen or the configuration screen for the behavior. In the example below, if an occurrence of biting others is scored while the DRO board is running, an unsuccessful interval will be scored. 

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If an unsuccessful interval is scored, the interval timer will automatically restart and the character will not be eligible to move up on the board (i.e., the space ahead of the character will remain red). 

After the character reaches the end of the board, money confetti is thrown and the user can opt to reset using the refresh icon if they would like to run the board again.


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You will notice the data is scored at the top of the board after each interval. The data is also being automatically recorded on the program data page as seen below.

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After DRO data is scored, you can choose to commit the data (i.e., save the data) from the program data page or opt to commit the data when rendering by selecting the Commit Programs In Progress checkbox. Both of the options are pictured below and are equally as effective in committing the DRO data.

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Viewing the Data

Once DRO data has been collected and committed, you will be able to view the data in the same manner as all other program data.

On the App you can view the data under Program Data, on Graphs, and on SOAP Notes (if the property is mapped to the note). All options are pictured below. 

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On the Web you can view the data under Graphs, on SOAP Notes (if the program data property is mapped to the note), and in the Program Summary Report. All are pictured below.

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  • To turn on data collection there needs to be a program selected for the data to go into. This is done under Clinical Settings. In addition, the selected program needs to be mapped to the client profile for which you would like to take data in one of the following statuses: In progress, Maintenance, Family Guidance, or Generalization
  • When starting the appointment you need to open the DRO program from the Programs tab before being eligible to start the board from the DRO screen.
  • You can see which behaviors are set to interact with the board on the Record All behaviors screen and on the behavior configuration screen.
  • You can view the DRO data in all places that you can view other program data across Mobile-App and Web.