Steps to clear the cache on your iOS mobile phone or device


On an iOS device (i.e iPhone, iPad), to clear cache, the Mobile-App must be fully deleted. 

Please follow the steps below:

  1.  From the dashboard, hold down the Mobile-App until you receive a pop-up.
  2.  Choose the option to "Remove App"
  3. You will receive additional options. Select the option "Delete App"
  4. .You will receive a confirmation. Select "Delete" 
  5. Open the App Store and search for MeasurePM. Download the App by selecting the download icon
  6. When opening the App for the first time after downloading, you will receive a 2 pop-ups
    1. Location Services: Select "Allow While Using App"
    2. Download Request: Select "Yes"

Reminder: Whenever receiving this pop-up, select YES in order to allow optimal use of the Mobile-App