This article was written to provide users with an overview of the Client Information Page presented on the Mobile App. 


The Client Information page on the Mobile-App allows users to easily access Client Emergency Contact Information, Client Custom Property Information, and Client Specific Documents. Note all information displayed on this page is view only. Editing and set up of this page is done from the web. 


There are three components to Client Information: (1) Emergency Contact, (2) Custom Properties, and (3) Documents. These are described below.

Emergency Contact

Emergency contact information is set up in the Client Dashboard on the web.

Step 1: Navigate to the Client Dashboard on the web.

Step 2: Select the pencil icon to edit in the Client Biography window. 

Step 3: Select Client Guarantor

Step 4: Enter a new guarantor or edit an exiting one, then select the Publish to Mobile-App checkbox for any guarantor you would like to be listed as an emergency contact on. If this checkbox is not selected the guarantor will not appear under Emergency Contacts. Note only the name, phone number and the relationship (if filled out) will be published under Emergency Contact.

Step 5: Log onto the Mobile-App and and view the Emergency Contact. Note that if no guarantors are set up or none are published to the app "No Information" will be displayed.

Client Custom Properties

Client Custom Properties are first created at a site level then filled out on the Client Dashboard on the web.

Client Custom Property Configuration at Site Level

Step 1: Select Clients --> Custom Properties to first create the properties.

Step 2: Decide which properties you would like to be visible on the Mobile-App. Only properties that are Published to the App and Active are going to show under Client Information.

Client Custom Property Configuration at Client Level

Step 1: Navigate to the Client Dashboard on the web.

Step 2: Select + or edit beside any custom property on the Client Dashboard. Note that all Active Client Custom Properties will show here, but only the properties that are set to Publish to Mobile will appear on the App. 

Step 3: Fill out required properties and select Save at the bottom of the window. 

Step 4: Log onto the Mobile-App and view the Custom Properties. Note that if information was not added for a property on the web, only the property name will appear on the app. 

Client Documents

Client Documents are first added from the Client Dashboard on the web. You can then choose to publish any PDF file that is under 25mb to the Mobile-App. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Client Dashboard on the web.

Step 2: Select the pencil icon to edit an existing file or the plus sign to add a new file to the widget. 

Step 3: Any PDF file under 25mb will be available to publish to the Mobile-App. If the checkbox is not selected, the file will remain on the Client Dashboard and will not be viewable in Client Info on the Mobile-App. 

Step 4: Once published, log onto the Mobile-App and view the document. If there are no documents published the Documents button will be greyed out and cannot be selected. If at least 1 document is published the document button will be selectable with a small number symbol on top of the button indicating how many files are uploaded. Once the Documents button is selected you will be brought to a page which lists all published documents by name. Select the file of interest and the PDF will open on your device.