
The MeasurePM’s Success Criteria feature allows you to configure and monitor specific success criteria in your program data. Depending on your custom configurations, MeasurePM can: (i) notify the indicated Supervisor(s) via the Notifications feature, (ii) notify the user who committed the data, (iii) lock data collection for a program, and (iv) automatically plot a phase line on that program's Web and Mobile-App graphs when the system detects a specified criteria. Configuring and editing success criteria is a permission-based feature, which means only authorized individuals from your organization will be able to modify the settings. 

When configuring success criteria there are now several configurable options. Success criteria can be configured in the program library on the Web or in the clinical clinical profile on the Web or Mobile-App. 

When criteria is detected you can opt for:

  1. Notify Supervisor- If this option is selected, the individuals outlined as supervisors in the clinical profiles will be alerted that success criteria was detected via notifications. 
  2. Commit Alert- If this option is selected, the user running the appointment on the Mobile-App will be notified of detection after committing the data. 
  3.  Lock- Data collection for the program will be temporarily paused and staff will be ineligible to resume data collection until a a user with permission unlocks the program. 
  4. Phase line- If selected, a 'Mastered Phase' line will be added to Web and Mobile-App graphs automatically after detection.

When configuring you can opt for detection to occur across the following: 

  1. Commit(s)-  Criteria can be detected acorss 1-20 pieces of committed data. If this option is chosen MPM will evaluate each piece of committed data.
  2. Appointment(s)- Criteria can be detected across 1-10 appointments. If this option is chosen MPM will evaluate data from rendered appointments every 30 minutes. Note that if this option is chosen, commit alert will be unavailable. 
  3. Day(s)- Criteria can be detected across 1-10 days. If this option is chosen MPM will evaluate all committed data each night at. Detection will occur nightly at 12:30am PST. Note that if this option is chosen, commit alert will be unavailable. 
  4. Week(s)- Criteria can be detected across 1-4 weeks. If this option is chosen MPM will evaluate all committed data each week. Detection will occur every Sunday night at 1:00am PST. Note that if this option is chosen, commit alert will be unavailable. 
  5. You can opt for per program or per target detection: 

    • Per Program- All committed program data will be evaluated together. 
    • Per Target- Individually committed target data will be evaluated. Note that if this option is chosen, lock will be unavailable.

After Detection Decision Points can Show on Graphs: 

Detection of Success Criteria or a Trend can be visually displayed on Web and Mobile-App graphs if desired. By default the detection markers will be hidden, however if you would like them to show you can simply deselect the "Hide success criteria/trend detection markers" checkbox under the settings.


The markers displayed are color coded: 

  • Green: Success Criteria met 
  • Pink: Trend was detected
  • Blue: Both Success Criteria met and Trend detected simultaneously

Below you can see an example of these on the Mobile-App, however the same can be seen on the web. 

Even if opting to show the markers, they may not always be eligible to be displayed, depending on what filter selections and axis types are made. 

  • Filters: Success criteria and trend tracking markers will be hidden if the following filters are being used: Data Recorded, Response types, Provider, and Location.
  • AxesAlthough success criteria detection markers can be shown across x-axis graph types, their display will depend on the program configurations and committed data. For example, if your configuration is set to detect criteria across days and you're viewing a per day graph, the markers will be visible. However, if the configuration is set to detect criteria across weeks and you're viewing a per day graph, the markers won't be shown. 

For quick access details on detection markers you can select the "?" icon beside the hide markers checkbox on either the Web or Mobile-App. When selected the following pop-up appears:

Please reach out to support@measurepm.com for any inquiries!