MeasurePM is excited to announce recent features that span across Mobile-App versions 2.47 through 2.49.1. Please see the information below outlined by topic, and see the updated permission guide which reflects any relevant changes.
Graphing Updates
- Intensity Levels: For behaviors configured with intensity levels, users can now view the frequency of behaviors committed at each level. To do so, select Intensity levels as the y-axis in the graphing module. Note: Intensity Levels will only be available for selection if intensity data has been committed for the behavior.
When Draw Graph is selected, a graph will populate depicting the occurrences of behavior at each intensity level. A legend will populate showing which marker/data path is indicative of which intensity level.
- Average Lines: Adding Average Lines to graphs is now available for programs and behaviors. To do so, simply select the Level checkbox above the graphing data set.
Once selected, the Average Line will be drawn across the data set on the graph and a legend will populate indicating what the level is. Please note at this time, you are only able to populate Level across complete program/behavior data. Therefore the level is calculated across all of the data rather than calculated per phase.
Behavior Archive (Behavior Library)
- Each behavior in your Behavior Library can be "Archived" which means it will not be visible for providers to add to client profiles moving forward. Archived behaviors that have already been mapped to a client profile will still be viewable on those profiles. Changing a behavior to "Archived" will not impact the programs past, current, or future configurations or clinical data. It simply prevents it from being added to client profiles going forward. An "Archived" behavior can be returned to "Active" at any point by selecting the corresponding radio button on the behavior configuration page in the Behavior Library, as seen below.
- The status of each behavior will be listed as a new column in the Behavior Library.
Edit Report
Users are now able to view a record of all Clinical Data Edits that were made, if the below permission is granted. If users have the permission, they will be able to go to Reports > Data Reports > Clinical > Clinical Data Edit. From here, make selections based on the reports you want to view (e.g., treatment type, client, etc.) and then select Go. The report will populate below and you are able to view a history of all clinical data edits and the editors. Similar to other reports, it can be viewed on Measure or exported to an Excel file by selecting "Export to Excel."
Trial by Trial (eye icon)
On the Program Data page for DTI programs an eye icon will be present. If this is selected, trial by trial information will show. This indicates a record of the sequence in which trials were recorded/ how the data were entered. If trials were added in bulk (hold to add) trial by trial information will not be available. Similarly, trial by trial information will not be available if the undo button was used when collecting data. This is because the data in both cases were not entered individually in sequential fashion.
Auto Distribute Trials
Auto-distribute will be available when configuring DTI programs on client profiles. This feature is available on the Web and Mobile-App.
On the Web, unlock editing for trials using the pencil icon. Indicate the number of trials desired for the program, select the targets that you would like to be available for data collection (In Progress or Maintenance status), and then select auto distribute number of trial allocations. Once selected, an even number of trials will be allocated to each target based on the set total trials/session. Note that your trials/session must be evenly divisible by the number of targets. For example, total trials is 20, you can have 4 targets each with 5 trials. However, if you only have 3 targets, you will receive an error.
The same functionality exists on the Mobile-App. Simply unlock editing on the program configuration pages, select targets, and select Auto-Distribute. The total number of trials for the program will be split evenly between the targets available for data collection.
Inactivate Response Types and Data Recording Types
- Response Types- Configured on Clinical Profile
Previously, users were able to configure a maximum of 4 different response types per program. This has been enhanced to allow users to configure as many as desired. However, only 4 can be in progress at one time. If a Response Type is in progress it means it will be available on the data recording screen and data can be collected for it. If it is not in progress it will not appear on the data recording screen and data cannot be taken for it. This can be configured on the Web or the Mobile-App.
On the Web, unlock Response Type editing by selecting the pencil icon and then select Multiple Response Types. You can add new response types as you could previously, however now you will see the additional feature of the Active checkbox. Check the box beside any corresponding Response Type you would like to be in progress, and unselect if you would like it to be hidden (not shown on the data recording screen). Remember, only 4 can be Active at one time.The same functionality exists on the Mobile-App. If you have permission, select the lock icon to unlock editing and scroll down to Response Types. Select Multiple, and you will see the same Active checkboxes beside each response type as you did on the Web.
Any change you make on the Web will sync to the Mobile-App upon next login and vice versa.
- Data Recording Types- Configured in Clinical Settings --> Settings
Each Data Recording Type in your Clinical Settings can be inactivated by unchecking the "Active" checkbox, which means it will not be visible for providers to add to programs moving forward. Inactive Data Recording Types that have already been added to programs/are currently being used will still be viewable on those programs. Thus, changing a Data Recording Type to inactive (unselecting the "Active" check box) will not impact the programs past or current configurations. It simply prevents it from being added to programs in the library or on client profiles going forward. An Inactive Data Recording Type can be returned to Active at any point by selecting the active checkbox beside the corresponding Data Recording Type, as seen below.
New SOAP Note System Properties
Measure has added to the list of SOAP Note system properties that are available to add to your new or existing SOAP Notes. These properties include:
- SOAP Note Created Date: Will pull in the date in which the SOAP note was first created
- SOAP Note Submitted Date and time: Will pull in the date and time in which the SOAP note was resubmitted
- SOAP Note Resubmitted Date and time: If the SOAP Note is retuned to draft state at any point and is updated and resubmitted, the date and time in which is was resubmitted will pull into the note
Offline Mode
Although users can run a full appointment in offline mode, to maintain data integrity some clinical features will no longer be unavailable in offline mode. This includes:
- Behavior and Program Libraries- This means users are unable to mapp/unmapp or change the status of behaviors and programs until they are back online.
- Behavior and Program Data- This means users are unable to view or edit past data and are unable to add new data via Behavior/Program Data Pages. This feature becomes available as soon as the user logs back in using online mode.
- Behavior and Program Graphs- This means users are unable to view or edit Behavior/Program graphs. This feature becomes available as soon as the user logs back in using online mode.
- Behavior and Program Configuration- This means users are able to view but unable to edit Behavior/Program configurations. This feature becomes available as soon as the user logs back in using online mode.