
This guide was developed to provide MeasurePM users with an overview of how to create new behaviors in their site's Behavior Library. Behaviors, like programs, can only be created on the Web. However, behaviors can be mapped to client profiles and configured at the client level from both the Web and Mobile-App. Modifications to behavior configurations from the client level will sync to the server upon saving, meaning the updated behavior configurations will be viewable from the Web and Mobile-App. 


Please note that the creation of new behaviors is permission based, which means only authorized individuals from your facility will have this ability. Below is the permission relevant to inputting behaviors. For all other Clinical Permissions, please refer to this attached guide



Creating Behaviors in the Library

Users can create behaviors on the Web via the Behavior Library, which can be accessed through the Clinical Settings dropdown menu in the left-hand navigation bar. Upon selecting Behavior Library, all existing behaviors will be displayed. To create a new behavior, select the blue “+Add Behavior” button on the top right of the page. 


Once this button is selected, a Behavior popup window will be displayed. 

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The fields with the “ * ” are required information that must be filled out to successfully save the behavior.



First, users must create a behavior name in the “Name” textbox and have the option to include a short name in the adjacent textbox should they choose. An example of a short name would be “Hand Biting” if the behavior is “Self-injurious Hand Biting”. Note that any two behaviors cannot be identically named, meaning that users are unable to save a behavior with a name of an already existing behavior. 

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Once a name has been created, the user can include an operational definition in the “Definition” textbox. While the definition is not a required field, it is suggested that users define behaviors in observable and measurable terms, assisting clinicians in accurately identifying occurrences during a session.

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Here, users can associate a behavior category to the newly created behavior. Note that there is no red asterisk beside the field name, indicating this is optional. To add a category, select the dropdown menu under the “Category” header. 

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All categories listed here correspond to those created in the Categories (for Behaviors) within the Clinical Settings tab.

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Only when subcategories have been created and added to Behavior Categories will they appear in the dropdown menus directly underneath the first dropdown. Note that subcategories displayed are dependent upon the category selected. For example, if a subcategory have been created for Aggressive Behaviors but not for Self-injurious Behaviors and the user has selected “Self-Injurious Behaviors” as the category, there will be no subcategories in the second dropdown. 

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Behavior Status in Library

The user must decide whether the behavior they are creating will have an “Active” or “Archived” status, as indicated by the red asterisk.  

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When a new behavior is created, the “Active” radio button is selected by default. However, users can select the “Archived” radio button instead. Note that only Active status behaviors will be available when mapping/adding behaviors to Client Clinical Profiles. Behaviors with “Active” and “Archived” statuses will be displayed in the Behavior Library but “Archived” behaviors will not be available for mapping to profiles. 

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Measurement Type

Users must select a measurement type for the behavior they are creating. Frequency will be auto selected as the default measurement type, however users have the option of selecting  Frequency, Duration, Whole Interval, Partial Interval or Momentary Time Sampling. The Measurement Type can be selected by using the dropdown menu.

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Only when Whole Interval, Partial Interval or Momentary Time Sampling is selected will additional selections appear to the right of the “Measurement Type” dropdown. Users must indicate the interval duration using the up and down arrows or simply typing values directly into the minute and seconds textbox fields.

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Use Intensity

When users select Frequency or Duration from the Measurement Type dropdown, the “Use Intensity” checkbox is available for selection. Once selected, a “Number of Intensity Levels” field appears to the right of Measurement Type. If using intensity levels, users must enter in a value or use the up and down arrows. If users choose to use intensity levels, an additional field will appear on the Mobile-App screen when recording behaviors where the intensity can be indicated.  

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Once mapped to a Client Clinical Profile, the user can make client specific changes. Note that intensity levels are not configurable for Whole Interval, Partial Interval, and Momentary Time Sampling measurement types. 

Reset DRO

When users select Frequency or Duration from the Measurement Type dropdown, the “Reset DRO” checkbox is displayed and available for selection. Once selected, this behavior will interact with the DRO board (i.e., when running the DRO board and an occurrence of the behavior is recorded, the DRO interval will be reset, and an unsuccessful DRO interval will be scored). 

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Once mapped to a Client Clinical Profile, the user can make client specific changes.

Detailed instructions on the DRO board can be found in the DRO Board Set-up and Use Guide

Save and Cancel

Once the behavior configurations are finalized, select the “Save” button at the bottom right of the window. This will ensure the behavior is saved and added to the Behavior Library. If the behavior is not saved (i.e., the “x” or “Cancel” is selected), it will be discarded, and the changes will not be recoverable.  Once the behavior is saved, it will appear in your facility’s Behavior Library. The user can go back and edit it at any time or delete it as long as it is not already mapped to a client profile. Once it is mapped, there is no way to remove it entirely from the library, however the user can inactive it, meaning it will no longer be available for mapping to new client profiles. To inactivate a behavior simply select the “Archived” radio button at the top of the window followed by the “Save” button. Once this is done, the behavior will have an “Archived” Status displayed in the Behavior Library. 


  • Only users with applicable permissions will be able to access the Behavior Library.
  • Users must save any changes made by selecting the blue “Save” button at the bottom right of the Behavior window.
  • To assist with organizing the Behavior Library, users can create Categories under Clinical Settings.
  • Further configurations can be made from the Client Clinical Profile once the behavior has been mapped/added to the profile.