MeasurePM is thrilled to announce new features that span across our recent Web and Mobile-App releases. Please see the information below outlined by topic, and the relevant updated permission guide.

Program Configurations 


When configuring trials you will now see an option to add a Randomize Target. The purpose of adding a randomize target is to randomly present mastered targets on the data recording page. When you assign a target to "Mastered" status, it is no longer active and does not show up for data collection. However, with randomize, data collection on mastered status targets becomes possible. 


After selecting + Randomize, you will configure the number of mastered targets you would like to randomize and the number of trials (only relevant for DTI programs) to assign to each target. The maximum number of targets will correspond to how many mastered targets are in your target list. For instance, if you have 4 mastered targets, you can select up to 4 targets for randomization.

Once the program data is committed or discarded, a new target from the bank of mastered targets will appear on the Mobile-App's data collection screen.

Refer to the specific rules below, outlined by measurement type, to know when you can introduce randomized targets:

  1. DTI, Duration, Frequency, and Rate:

  1. + Randomize  will only be selectable when there is at least 1 mastered target in the list.

  1. Time Sampling:

  1. + Randomize  will only be selectable when there is at least 1 mastered target in the list.

  1. + Randomize  will only be selectable when there are no other targets in an active status (i.e., baseline, in progress, maintenance, generalization, or post-probe).

  1. If mastered targets have been removed (i.e., change to other status or  delete target) after randomize has been configured, you will not be able to save the target section.

For more details on randomize please see this guide.

Uncommitted Data Alert

When making changes to program configurations, the system automatically checks to see if there is any uncommitted data for the program across any user device. If uncommitted data is detected, you will be notified of such via a pop up and can opt to discard the data if desired. Note that you will not be eligible to make the change unless the the data is discarded. The following enhancements have been made to the corresponding pop up:

  1. Include Provider Name: Within the pop up, a list of providers with uncommitted data on their device will be displayed.
  2. Require Input: When opting to discard the data you will be required to type in the word "delete" and then select discard. Once the data has been deleted there is no way to retrieve it. 

This notification will be displayed when making changes on either the Web and Mobile-App. 

Graphing Notes

Web Graphs- Hide Graphing Notes

Within graph configurations there is now an option to "Hide Graph Notes". When unselected (the default choice), any notes that have been added to your graph will show and be presented as "^" above the appointment date the note was added to. If this checkbox is selected, the graph note icon will be temporarily hidden from the generated graph. 

Web Graphs- Show Annotations

There is a new button on web graphs titled "Show Annotations". 

When selected, a pop up will appear with a history of all phase lines and graphing notes that have been added to the graph within the specified date range. This will include the program/behavior name, associated date, type, label, and the name of the user who added the annotation. The displayed table can be exported to Excel, and sorted by type if desired.

Mobile-App- Add Graphing Notes 

Users can now view, add, edit, and delete graphing notes from the Mobile-App in the same manner as you currently can on Web graphs. Adding graphing notes on the Mobile-App can only be done if the following permission is granted: 

To add a note to program or behavior graphs, select the note icon. This will open a pop up where you can select: 

  1. The note type: 
    1. If you are graphing a program you can add a note to the current program graph, all program graphs, or all program and behavior graphs. 
    2. If you are graphing a behavior you can add a note to the current behavior graph, all behavior graphs, or all program and behavior graphs.
  2. The appointment date:
    1. All rendered and confirmed appointments will be available for selection in the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the note and save
    1. Enter the note (character limit = 1500) and select Save once done. Selecting Cancel will discard the note and the pop up will close.

Mobile-App- View Graphing Notes 

Once a note has been added to a graph it will be denoted with a "^" above the appointment date. If you have the following permission you will be able to edit and delete the note once opened. 

To view a note on the graph, select the "^" icon and all applicable information will be displayed in a pop up. If you have editing permission you will see an edit button at the bottom, as seen below, which when selected allows you to made changes or delete the note. You can select Close to close the pop up without making changes.

Any note added on a Mobile-App graph will also be accessible on the Web graphs, and vise versa.

New Program Configuration Permissions 

Trend Tracking 

Granting this permission allows users to configure trend tracking settings within programs mapped to the client profile on the Web. Note that trends can only be configured on the Web, not the Mobile-App. 

Token Board

Granting this permission allows users to configure token settings for the program on the Web and Mobile-App (i.e., the user will be able to decide if the program should or should not be included in the token reinforcement schedule).

External Links

Granting this permission allows users to add/edit/delete external links from the program configurations within programs mapped to the client profile on the Web. Note that external links can only be configured on the Web, but will be viewable from Web and Mobile-App. 

As always please reach out to for any inquiries!