MeasurePM is thrilled to announce new features that span across our recent Web and Mobile-App releases.
Highlights of Releases:
- VB-MAPP & MeasurePM
- External Links on Programs
- Adding all Programs/Behavior to be graphed at once
- Drawing Separate Graphs
- Rate as a Program Measurement Type
- Interval as a Program Measurement Type
Please see the information below outlined by topic, and see the updated permission guide which reflects any relevant changes.
VB-MAPP & MeasurePM
MeasurePM users can now run full VB-MAPP assessments within MPM. To use VB-MAPP with one of your clients please:
- Enable the Site Flag
- Site Details and Rules --> Site Configurations --> Turn on VMAP Configuration
If this site flag is not turned on you will not be able to utilize the VB-MAPP assessment.
- Site Details and Rules --> Site Configurations --> Turn on VMAP Configuration
- Enable the Client Flag
- Clients --> List Clients --> Select Client --> Edit Client Bio --> Assessments Tab --> Enable VB-MAPP
Once VB-MAPP is enabled you will receive a pop up warning you that you are about to enable the assessment for the learner and that there will be an addional cost associated with completing this action.
- Clients --> List Clients --> Select Client --> Edit Client Bio --> Assessments Tab --> Enable VB-MAPP
- Add Assessment via the Client Profile
- Open Client Profile -->Select Assessments Tab --> Select Plus Sign to Add an Assessment -->Select VB-MAPP from the Drop Down Menu & Save
- Open Client Profile -->Select Assessments Tab --> Select Plus Sign to Add an Assessment -->Select VB-MAPP from the Drop Down Menu & Save
Once Saved, the VB-MAPP Assessment will be added into the Assessment table with the following headers:
- Assessment- Assessment name will be VB-MAPP
- Date- This will be the start date of he assessment
- Milestones Raw Score- This column will display the Milestones Raw Score and be updated each time you make changes to the assessment.
- Access- Will allow you to View or Score Assessments:
- View is available for completed assessments
- Score is available for new assessments
- Grids- If Download PDF's is selected all assessment grids (ESSA, Transitions, Barriers, Milestones, and Task Analysis) will be downloaded as PDF's
Note that assessments will sync across profiles. I.e., the Assessments tab will look the same for the learner regardless of which profile you open.
More Enhancements to the way the VB-MAPP assessments stored are coming soon!
External Links
Users can add external links to programs in both the program library and on the client clinical profile. The links that are added here can be selected and copy and pasted within an active appointments. Note that any external link listed in this text area is for general informational purposes only. MeasurePM makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. As these links may be unsecure, your use of these external links is solely at your own risk. This text may contain links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.
When first saving a new link you will need to confirm you acknowledge this statement. Selecting Yes allows you to save, and selecting No will discard your links and not save.
Once saved in the program you will be able to view external links on the individual program menu on the Mobile-App, as seen below.
Graphing Updates
Draw Separate Graphs
When populating a graph for more than 1 programs/behaviors Draw Separate Graphs is now available. This providers users the option of drawing 1 graph for each program/behavior selected rather than overlaying them in the same graph. If you opt to graph more than 5 programs/behaviors at one time you will be forced to draw separate graphs.
Add all Programs/ Add All Behaviors
When graphing programs/behaviors users now have the option of selecting individual programs/behaviors to graph or adding all programs/all behaviors within the selected statuses at once. This allows user to quickly populate all program/behavior graphs at once.
New Program Measurement Types
Rate is now a selectable measurement type for programs. If Rate is the configured measurement type the data collection screen will appear as pictured below and committed data will be stored as and displayed as Rate per Minute or Rate per Hour. Please see this guide for more information.Time Sampling
Time Sampling is now a selectable measurement type for programs. If Time Sampling is selected, the available time sampling methods include Whole Interval, Partial Interval, or Momentary Time Sampling. If Time Sampling is the configured measurement type the data collection screen will appear as pictured below and committed data will be stored as and displayed as percentage of intervals occurred. Please see this guide for more information.