MeasurePM is thrilled to announce new clinical features that span across our recent Web and Mobile-App releases. Please see the information below outlined by topic, and see the updated permission guide which reflects any relevant changes.   

New Clinical Permissions

With new features comes new permissions. Below are all new clinical permissions to make note of. 

To edit/access permissions select Admin from the lefthand navigation menu. Find the group you would like to edit the permissions of and select the key icon under the access column to open the permissions. From here you can scroll of search for the permission of interest or use one of the funnel icons to search. If the permission is turned on (checked off) the group will have access to the feature, and if it is turned off (unchecked) they will not. 

Appointment History

Selecting this option allows users to access Appointment History from the client dashboard on the Mobile-App (i.e., when the permission is granted, users can view committed program and behavior data from previous appointments via Appointment History).

SOAP Note History 

Selecting this option allows users to access SOAP Note History from the client dashboard on the Mobile-App (i.e., when the permission is granted, users can review SOAP Notes from previous appointments).

Targets and Trials (Program Configurations)

Selecting this allows users to add, assign, and modify instructional targets as well as allocate the number of trials for each target and the number of trials for the program on the Web and Mobile-App. 

Behavior Functions (Behavior Configurations)

Selecting this option allows users to indicate function of behavior across Web and Mobile-App. 

Behavior Antecedent Strategies, Consequence Strategies, and Replacement Behaviors (Behavior Configurations)

Selecting this option allows users to indicate antecedent strategies, consequent strategies and replacement behaviors for behaviors at the client level across Web and Mobile-App. 

  This updated permission guide also reflects these changes. 

Target Status Filter in Web Graphs

A new filter, called "Target/Step Status", has been added to Web graphs. Once a status is selected and the graph is generated, the data shown will be exclusive to that status. For instance, if you select "Baseline" from the status menu, only data committed under the Baseline status will be visible. All target/step statuses are available for selection, and for each status chosen a separate dataset will populate on the graph.

New Program Statuses

MeasurePM is excited to introduce additional program statuses. The statuses you would like available/visible across your site are chose at the site level within clinical settings. Any statuses that are not relevant to your practice can be hidden by making (i.e., unselecting the checkbox) or keeping them inactive.

You can view program data by status on the web in Web Graphs, Data Reports, and Progress Reports. 

On the Mobile-App, programs will continue to be organized by status. When looking at the View All list of programs, you have the option of using the left/right toggle arrows to navigate between statuses or you can now utilize the dropdown menu to navigate directly to the status of interest. 

Note: The previously labeled "Parent Training" status has been changed to "Family Guidance" to accommodate a wider scope of client stakeholders.

The full list of program statuses includes:

  1. In Progress
  2. Generalization
  3. Maintenance
  4. Family Guidance
  5. On Hold
  6. Not Initiated 
  7. Mastered
  8. Previous Goal
  9. Discontinued

Within web Client Clinical Profiles, the statuses appear as you see in the image below.

New Behavior Statuses

MeasurePM is excited to introduce additional behavior statuses. The statuses you would like available/visible across your site are chose at the site level within clinical settings. Any statuses that are not relevant to your practice can be hidden by making (i.e., unselecting the checkbox) or keeping them inactive.

With the introduction of additional behavior statuses, providers can better align reporting with the industry’s requirements. 


Note: The previously labelled "Active" status has been replaced by "In Progress" and "Archived" with "Discontinued".

The full list of behavior statuses now includes:

  1. In Progress
  2. Maintenance
  3. Goal Met
  4. On Hold
  5. Discontinued
  6. Previous Goal

Within web Client Clinical Profiles, the statuses appear as you see in the image below.

Please see this guide for more detailed information on new Behavior Statuses. 

New Behavior Configurations

Functions of Behavior

Functions of behavior are configured at the site level and then displayed when configuring behaviors at the client level; all functions that are active within site settings will be available for selection here. Furthermore, you can add additional functions to a mapped behavior within the profile. These manually entered functions can then be edited or deleted (deleting functions can only be done on the Web). Note, any displayed functions that were added via site settings cannot be edited or deleted.

Replacement Behaviors, Antecedent Strategies, Consequence Strategies

These properties are configured at the client level. Any text is supported within these boxes and can be viewed and edited (as long as the relevant permission is granted) on the Web or Mobile-App. 

Please see this guide for more information on configuring behaviors from the Client Clinical Profile

New Program Configurations


References are configurable at the Program Library level and also the client level. You will see the new Reference field at the bottom of the configuration page. Note that filling out this field is option when creating and editing programs.

Incidentally May Acquire 

Incidentally May Acquire is only configurable at the Program Library level. You will be able to enter the skills a learner may acquire as a result of teaching the current program within the "Instructions & Maintenance" tab. Note that filling out this field is optional when creating and editing programs. 

Info Icon with Programs on Web and Mobile-App

There is a new info icon present beside the program name when viewing/editing program configurations at the client level on the Web and Mobile-App. When selected, it will render a pop up displaying Prerequisite Skills, Next Steps, and May Incidentally Acquire. The information will be pulled from the program library and will be view only. Note, if you would like to edit the details it will need to be done within the Program Library.

Token Board Updates

Randomize Tokens

Users now have the ability to randomize the number of tokens displayed on the token board. Each time the board is reset, a new number of token spaces will be displayed. To make changes to token configurations, navigate to the token board and select the gear icon. From the settings pop up you can select a number of tokens to be displayed on the board or you can select "Randomize". If randomize is selected, you will also need to configure a range in which tokens will be randomized across. This is done by configuring a minimum and maximum number of tokens to be displayed on the board. 

Dismiss Pop-Up

When the reinforcement schedule has been met, the Mobile-App notifies you that it is an appropriate time to award via the green pulsing hand/token board icon. At this time, a Dismiss pop up will also appear directly above the hand icon. This allows you to dismiss the notification and reset the reinforcement schedule, which will then return the hand to white eliminating the need to navigate to the token board. 

In Case You Missed It!

Recap of past clinical highlights

VB-MAPP & MeasurePM

VB-MAPP integration was announced with our previous release, however, for those who may have missed it- MeasurePM users can now run full VB-MAPP assessments within MPM. All assessments will be viewable and scorable from the Client Clinical Profile. From within the profile you will be able to view the start date, the Milestones score, the status of assessment completion, score the assessment, edit the start date and color of the assessment, download all assessment grids, and download the auto-generated IEP report.

To start using VB-MAPP today please complete the following actions: 

  1. Enable the Site Flag via Site Configurations
  2. Enable the Client Flag via Client Bio
  3. Add Assessment via the Client Profile
  4. Once the assessment is added you will see it populated in the table and can continue completing the assessment from there by selecting Score Assessment. 
  5. Once Ok is selected on the pop up the full VB-MAPP assessment will open. 

Please see this guide for more information on the VB-MAPP. 

Updates to the Process of Making Client Program Modifications

Also announced with our previous release was an update to the program modification process. When program configurations are changed in the client profile, it impacts the data collection process in that the data recording screen may change based on the changes made, and these changed might not be compatible with any uncommitted data that a provider has.

For example, if you move a target from In Progress to Discontinued during an appointment with a provider actively taking data for the same target, or if there is leftover uncommitted data from a previous appointment on the device, that data is now incompatible with the target settings.

To help with this, MeasurePM has increased transparency over the presence of data that is not committed when making adjustments to client programs. Now when you are making changes to a client's program (on the website or Mobile-App), a background check is performed to see if there is partial data (i.e., uncommitted data) on any users' device. If any uncommitted data on any user's mobile device is found for the program being adjusted, you will be notified and prompted to discard it. If you do not wish to discard that data, then you will not be able to proceed with making the change at that time. This is to safeguard the data, and prevent any data being committed that is incompatible with the program new settings. 

Note that the warning nor the pop up for the user occurs if the user is working in offline mode.

Please see this guide for more detailed information on making program changes.

Want to be Informed of New Features?

Every time we make note worthy clinical enhancements to the MPM platform, an email blast is sent out to our current users so they are aware of these changes and are staying up to date with the features MPM offers. Anyone within your organization is eligible to receive these updates. To make sure you are signed up to receive these emails, please talk to you admin and have them follow the steps in this guide 

As always please reach out to for any inquiries!